I was very fortunate to have Dr. Ashish Joshi as a mentor during my Master in Public Health program, between 2012-2013, at University of Nebraska Medical Center. His passion for public health and disseminating his expert knowledge with students and peers inspires me to this day. I learned many valuable lessons while working with him, especially on developing quality research, and building the necessary partnerships to secure successful outcomes.
Our good work relationship, and his drive for research led to a very productive collaboration and a series of publications to disseminate the outcomes of our projects. He was responsible for shaping my career plans into a global health perspective and teaching me the importance of innovation in the context of primary prevention and healthcare. I continued following that path working at the International Agency for Research on Cancer, in Lyon, France; the Office of International Cancer Control, in the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in Atlanta, Georgia; and, now, the U.S. National Cancer Institute – Center for Global Health.